We are an interactive organization of office administrators concerned with management issues directly relating to the practice of plastic surgery.

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ASPSA Events

ASPSA Events

Learn more about the next Meeting in Chicago, IL, 2020.

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Officers & Advisors

Officers & Advisors

To join ASPSA, you must first send in a completed application with your membership dues.

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Adjustable Beds


Please note that this site is no longer owned by the ASPSA. The site will be developed in the near future to include information about adjustable bed reviews. Adjustable bed frames are no longer limited to hospitals. They're now widely available for residential use. Our objective is to make www.plasticadmin.org useful to those looking for information on adjustable bed frame reviews.

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JOIN ASPSA PHONE 800-373-0302

Contact ASPSA
If you have a question about ASPSA or would like a member of ASPSA to advise you about an issue in your practice, please call us or fill out the provided form. Facelift inquiries are also welcome.

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